This website has been translated from Danish to English by using artificial intelligence (AI)

We strive to ensure the accuracy of these translations, but we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate as technical terms and idioms are not easily translated. By using this service, I acknowledge that there may be misunderstandings due to this inaccuracy. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Want to help us recycle more?

We have opened new areas with free reuse.

In doubt about sorting at the recycling centre?

Look up the waste in our new sorting guide.

Do you need to dispose of asbestos?

Read the new rules here.

01Free reuse

02Sorting guide

03Do you need to remove asbestos?

Latest news

Now you can help recycle more
August 21, 2024

Now you can help recycle more

Are you also annoyed when good things end up in the bins at the recycling centre? Visit our new second-hand item tents.

Opening party: New areas with free reuse
August 12, 2024

Opening party: New areas with free reuse

Join us when we open up for free reuse in Jyllinge, Roskilde and Viby on Saturday, August 17.

Potentially explosive chemical closes Jyllinge recycling centre
July 3, 2024

Potentially explosive chemical closes Jyllinge recycling centre

Crystallized Ether has briefly closed the recycling centre in Jyllinge today. The site will reopen at approximately 15:00.

Addresses and opening hours

Find your nearest recycling centre and also see when it's busiest.

What is 24/7?

Drop off your waste when it suits you best. See where and how here.

Sorting guide

Unsure about your waste? Look it up and get the answer in our new sorting guide.

Free reuse

Are you into free reuse? Give or take reusable items in our new free reuse areas.

Want to save time when disposing of your waste?

We give you 7 tips for a faster and easier trip to the recycling centre.

Read our 7 tips here

Do you love second hand too?

Do you want to help extend the life of things? Help people on the edge of labour market? And save our climate from tonnes of CO2 emissions at the same time?

Welcome to Gensalg! Here you'll find unique items for yourself, your home or a loved one.

Visit the stores here