This website has been translated from Danish to English by using artificial intelligence (AI)

We strive to ensure the accuracy of these translations, but we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate as technical terms and idioms are not easily translated. By using this service, I acknowledge that there may be misunderstandings due to this inaccuracy. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Elementary school

Here you will find our offer for pupils in primary school.

Middle Step

Here you will find our offers for students in middle school.

Secondary school

Here you will find our offer for students in lower secondary school.

Schools Second-Hand Warehouse

Can you use free reusable items for your school or institution? Visit the School Recycling centre.

Do you want to visit us?

As a teacher in primary school, you can book class visits both in the Energy Tower and at ARGO's recycling centres. Our offer follows the common goals of the primary school and is targeted at the pupils' grade level.

Our mission with ARGO's school service is that we want to promote awareness of the waste hierarchy and motivate more waste prevention and recycling.

We are continuously developing new visits, and here your feedback and demand are crucial. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to hearing from you if you have any requests for new content.

Contact us

Can you use for free reusable items in your teaching?

Visit Schools Second-Hand Warehouse and pick up everything from games and toys to textiles and recycled wood.