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Courses for school leavers

Energy recovery from waste

8th-10th grade - Energy Tower

The visit complements the science lessons. We talk about some of the issues related to waste management and show students how the energy in waste can be converted into electrical energy and heat.

Purpose of the visit

  • Students become aware of the challenges associated with waste management
  • To realize some of the models students encounter in the classroom at school (for example
  • generators)
  • To support learning at school by giving students a hands-on experience they can remember

The visit itself

Intro to waste management issues.
Tour of the Energy Tower with focus on energy production.
Presentation on power and heat production.
Conclusion on current challenges of waste incineration.

Book a visit

From waste to heat - new course

6th-7th grade - Energy Tower

Duration 1.5-2 hours

We watch the waste burn in the furnace and we focus on how we heat water with the energy from the waste.

Purpose of the visit

  • For students to see how the energy from waste can be used for district heating
  • That students understand the principle of heat exchange
  • To support learning at school by giving students a hands-on experience they can remember

The visit itself

Short intro to the Energy Tower and district heating.
Tour of the Energy Tower with focus on heat production.
Experiment with heat exchange.

Book a visit

Buy less waste

7th-10th grade - recycling centre

We discover the many good reusable items on the site and inspire students to consume more sustainably. Our recycling centre guides show the site and explain the tasks at a recycling centre.

Purpose of the visit

  • That students hear about the work tasks at a recycling centre
  • Motivating students to buy fewer new items and reuse more
  • To support learning at school by giving students a hands-on experience they can remember

The visit itself

Intro to the recycling centre.
Tour of the site with focus on the work tasks at a recycling centre.
Visit to the reuse area/second-hand store.

NOTE: The class is split into two groups for the sake of student learning and safety.

Book a visit
Safety and security

It is important that everyone wears flat, closed shoes.
There must be at least two adults who know the students.

Dining in connection with visits

The energy tower

There will usually be the option to have lunch before or after a visit to the Energy Tower. If you need it, please note this when you book your visit.

recycling centre

It is not possible to eat when visiting a recycling centre.

Cancellation or other changes

Cancellations/changes can be made directly through the link in the confirmation email you receive when you book a visit. If you will be delayed on the day, please notify the reception at 46347500.