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Guidelines for 24/7

In addition to the general guidelines at the recycling centre it is also important that you read and follow the special guidelines that apply when using a recycling centre outside opening hours. Both for your own safety and the safety of others.

Read and follow our guidelines

When you sign up for 24/7, you also agree that you must read and follow our guidelines on what you are allowed to do when using a recycling centre outside regular opening hours.

We also expect you to follow the the general guidelines of the recycling centre.

Sort and deliver your waste correctly

You must sort and deliver your waste yourself according to the instructions we give in our sorting instructions and at the recycling centre.

Since the recycling centres are unmanned outside regular opening hours, we are not able to guide you on sorting when you arrive after regular closing hours.

However, you can look up the waste in advance in our sorting guide.

You can't drop off hazardous waste

For safety reasons, you cannot drop off chemicals, oil and other hazardous waste outside regular opening hours.

The sites are video monitored

For security reasons and to register commercial vehicles, the sites are video monitored.

The recordings are only viewed if vandalism, business payment control or incorrect sorting makes it necessary.

The compaction containers are closed, but...

... we've made sure there are other containers you can use instead.

Don't take things from the containers

You are not allowed to take home things that have already been dropped off at the recycling centre.

Your registration for 24/7 is personal

Your registration for 24/7 is personal. You are therefore not allowed to let others in or out of the centre.

Use the site emergency phone

If an accident, power outage or similar occurs while you are at our 24-hour recycling centre, you can call us from the site's emergency phone.

Want to save time when disposing of your waste?

We give you 7 tips for a faster and easier trip to the recycling centre.

7 tips for a great trip to the recycling centre

Related content

What is 24/7?

Drop off your waste when it suits you best. See where and how here.

Sign up now

You sign up 24/7 For private individuals here – it only takes 2 minutes.

Addresses and opening hours

Find your nearest recycling centre and also see when it's busiest.

Sorting guide

Unsure about your waste? Look it up and get the answer in our new sorting guide.