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Drop off your waste when it suits you best

Can't reach recycling centre during business hours? Sign up your business to our "24/7" scheme and get access whenever it suits you best.

There is no extra charge for this service - you will be billed in the same way as during regular opening hours. We are open 24 hours a day at recycling centre i:

  • Bjæverskov
  • Bregninge
  • Høng
  • Hårlev
  • Jyllinge
  • Kalundborg
  • Køge
  • Roskilde
  • Viby

How to get access

Once you've signed up to 24/7, it takes about four business days before you're registered and can use the scheme. But after that, you'll have access whenever it suits you.  

Your phone number is your key

  1. Provide your phone number when you sign up - your number is your key to the gate
  2. Call the entrance gate from your registered phone number when you arrive
  3. The gate opens - remember our 7 guidelines
  4. Call the exit gate when you want to get out again
  5. The gate opens - thanks for visiting

Phone numbers for entrance and exit gates

Here you can find the phone numbers for the entrance and exit gates of our 24-hour recycling centres:

Recycling centre Entrance gate Output port
Bregninge21 48 17 9421 48 17 69
Bjæverskov21 42 47 2821 42 47 01
Høng21 36 29 7121 36 29 55
Hårlev51 87 08 9151 87 00 53
Jyllinge40 16 05 6591 22 96 21
Kalundborg23 85 45 0591 22 39 38
Køge91 18 89 0891 18 87 59
Roskilde91 22 21 2291 22 02 70
Viby 40 16 05 6091 18 30 18

Have you read our guidelines?

Before your company uses our 24-hour recycling centres, it is important that you read our guidelines.

What can I do outside opening hours?