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We create sustainable waste solutions that promote the green transition

At ARGO, we handle waste according to the priority: Reuse before recycling before energy recovery - and finally a small residue for safe disposal. We create sustainable waste solutions that promote the green transition.

ARGO is an intermunicipal waste and energy company that converts waste into resources. ARGO is owned by Greve, Holbæk, Kalundborg, Køge, Lejre, Odsherred, Roskilde, Solrød and Stevns Municipalities with a combined population of approximately 438,000 citizens and 34,000 companies. At our CHP plant in Roskilde we produce district heating and electricity by utilizing residual waste. We also operate 14 recycling centres, three second-hand stores and an environmental centre where we reload, sort and deposit waste.

ARGO's annual report 2023

A profit of DKK 68.6 million and a good starting point for competitive tendering.

See our annual report from 2023

ARGO's strategy 2023-2026

Sustainable waste solutions that promote the green transition.

See our strategy 2023-2026

Do you want to be our next partner?

View our procurement and tendering policy and follow ongoing and upcoming tenders.