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Direct Reuse has opened in Ubby

Another of ARGO's recycling centres now has Direct Reuse. Together with Kalundborg Municipality, ARGO has today opened the concept at the recycling centre in Ubby.

In the Direct Reuse container, you can now donate second-hand finds to others. Or find something you need yourself.

- Although there is no room for a large tent in Ubby, it is important for both ARGO and Kalundborg Municipality that we also provide good opportunities for more reuse in Ubby, says ARGO's Section Manager for Direct Reuse, Ditte Titskov.

59,089 things have changed owners in 2024

Since summer 2024, Kalundborg, Køge, Roskilde and Stevns Municipalities have opened the concept at their recycling centres. Direct Reuse is now available at eight of ARGO's 14 recycling centres.

In total, 59,089 items have changed hands in the tents so far. Items that might otherwise have been thrown away for recycling or incineration. The CO2 savings amount to approximately 690 tonnes. This corresponds to the annual carbon footprint of approximately 53 Danes.

Together we save CO2

With the new concept, individuals, companies, organizations and associations can donate or collect reusable items. When you donate items, you need to put each item on the right shelf so that they are visible and accessible to others who would like to enjoy them. When you pick up items, you don't have to donate at the same time. Instead, you need to download the Direct Reuse app and register your second-hand finds here - before you take them with you.

ARGO uses the registrations to calculate how much CO2 you and others are helping to save our climate.

Direct Reuse opens in Køge in March

In March, private individuals, companies, organizations and businesses in Køge can also help ensure that more things are reused. On Saturday, March 22 at 12 noon, ARGO and Køge Municipality will open the concept in Køge. It happens with a big opening party at Køge recycling centre - with a free hotdog for everyone who has downloaded our app Direct Reuse.