Twice as much asbestos waste to ARGO's landfill in 2024
- One more load of asbestos.
This is what the intercom at the entrance to ARGO's landfill has sounded a record number of times last year. Here, companies and private individuals with an approved waste declaration can drop off their asbestos waste. And 2024 has been an incredibly busy year for ARGO's employees at the landfill in Audebo.
16,416 tonnes of asbestos waste has been delivered to the landfill. ARGO has thus received almost twice as much asbestos waste as the previous year, when we received 8,762 tonnes. In 2024, ARGO's landfill received a total of 26,981 tonnes for landfill. With 16,416 tonnes, asbestos waste thus makes up the majority of the total waste to landfill.
New asbestos regulations are the explanation
The reason for the large amounts of asbestos is undoubtedly the new asbestos regulations from the Danish Working Environment Authority. According to the new rules, private homeowners are no longer allowed to demolish an asbestos roof or other asbestos-containing material themselves.
Only licensed companies are now allowed to remove asbestos-containing material. And last year, this prompted many private individuals to take on the job while they still could.
Why asbestos waste is buried
Once a truck driver has driven through the entrance to the landfill, the load continues on to the so-called asbestos cells - the landfill's areas for environmentally safe disposal of asbestos - i.e. burial. The reason why asbestos is buried in an environmentally safe manner is that it is not yet possible to recycle the potentially hazardous material.
The burial takes place according to current legislation from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.