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Opening party: New areas with free reuse

Used building materials, furniture, electronics and toys. On Saturday 17 August at 13:00, ARGO and Roskilde Municipality open a brand new area with free reuse at ARGO's recycling centres in Jyllinge, Roskilde and Viby. 

In a large white tent with a green gate, you can give or take everything from used building materials, furniture and household items to kitchen utensils, electronics and toys from Saturday 17 August at 13:00. For free. ARGO and Roskilde Municipality now open the new reuse concept at the recycling centres in Jyllinge, Roskilde and Viby.

With our new concept, we want to provide even better opportunities to help extend the life of things, prevent the production of new things and save our climate from tonnes ofCO2 emissions, says ARGO's Recycling Manager Finn Kjær.

Download the app and get a hotdog
The new tents with free second-hand items will open at 13:00 both in Jyllinge, Roskilde and Viby. At the recycling centre in Roskilde Mayor Tomas Breddam cuts the red ribbon for the tent at 13:00. Then there is a hotdog for everyone who has downloaded ARGO's app "Direct Recycling". You will use the app in the tent to register your recycling finds.

How to donate and take reusable items
In the new area, both private individuals, companies, organizations and associations can donate or take useful reusable items. When you donate items, put each item on the right shelf so that it is visible and accessible to others who would like to have it. When you take things, you don't have to donate things at the same time. However, you must download the app "Direct Recycling" and register your reuse finds in the app before you take them with you.

We use your registrations to calculate how much CO2 you and others save the climate from. We can also use the information to ensure even better opportunities to prevent waste and recycle more. In this way, together we can contribute even more to the green transition, says ARGO's Recycling Manager Finn Kjær.  

The concept is already a great success in Kalundborg
On 1 June, ARGO opened together with Kalundborg Municipality the same concept at the recycling centre in Kalundborg. A great success with many enthusiastic visitors. Several thousands have downloaded the app, and in the first two months alone, 3,500 reusable items found new owners. ARGO expects to open the concept at ARGO's other recycling centres on Zealand during the autumn and winter of 2024.