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Now you can help recycle more

Do you also regret it when you see good things going into the containers at recycling centre? We do. That's why we're currently opening large recycling tents at our recycling centres. 

The new tents are called "Direct Reuse". Here you can leave good things you no longer need so that others can enjoy them instead. Of course, you can also find things you need yourself. Completely free of charge.

Tents are open in four cities

You can visit the tents at our recycling centres in Jyllinge, Kalundborg, Roskilde and Viby. Read more and find opening hours here. During 2024, we will also open the concept at our other sites. We will announce the opening dates on our Facebook page and here on

How to set and retrieve items

The tents are open to individuals, companies, organizations and associations. When you donate items to others, place each item on the right shelf so they are visible and accessible. If you find items you need yourself, you don't have to donate items at the same time. Instead, download the app "Direkte Genbrug" and register your recycling finds in the app before you take them with you.

We use your registrations to calculate how muchCO2 you and others save the climate. We can also use the information to ensure even better opportunities to prevent waste and recycle more. In this way, together we can contribute even more to the green transition," says ARGO's Recycling Manager Finn Kjær.